Saturday, March 07, 2009

We'll Do It Live!

The gents from Burlington are back and apparently wanted to get something out of their system last night. Here’s a snippet of Harry Hood and it sounds quite good.

Phish, 3/06/09 Hampton Coliseum, Hampton, VA

Set I: Fluffhead, Divided Sky, Chalkdust Torture, Sample in a Jar, Stash, I Didn't Know*, Oh Kee Pa > Suzy Greenberg, Farmhouse, NICU, Horn, Rift, Train Song, Water in the Sky, Squirming Coil, David Bowie

Set II: Backwards Down The Number Line, Tweezer, Taste, Possum, Theme from the Bottom, First Tube, Harry Hood, Waste, You Enjoy Myself (with a false start/joke)

Encore: Grind (acapella), Bouncin**, Loving Cup

Staring down this list it's obvious the boys were itching to play a LONG show after 4.5 years of non-band action. Divided Sky, Stash, and Bowie in first set? Tweezer, First Tube, Hood, and YEM all in the same set? What more is left for Saturday and Sunday night? Perhaps they have more new stuff.

Thankfully they are letting folks download all three Hampton return shows.

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